Monday, June 21, 2010

My Project

Today I received my job description. As I was surprised by the focus of my research, I thought it would be insightful to post, so that you also know more about my work.

My project is called: "Climate change and nuclear energy"

As background information, I should note that Mongolia has large coal deposits - that could likely last the country more than 200 years. Most of these reserves have not yet been exploited due to a lack of infrastructure. While some companies want to build this infrastructure and make a profit by mining these reserves, others such as MonAme, visiting Stanford University professors and the Green Party in Mongolia believe that development needs to move forward with the times. Due to concerns about climate change, carbon taxes may be enacted in the near future, making the coal mining less profitable and feasible for the long term. Development of the nuclear energy sector instead would be a less carbon-intensive source and would survive policy changes limiting CO2 emissions. My job is essentially to be a lobbyist for nuclear energy in Mongolia.

My job duties are as follows:

1. Work with Mongolian National TV, Mongolian Green Party, and nuclear companies AREVA, Mitsubishi, etc. to set up a public education campaign on nuclear energy, with emphasis on its merits as a clean-source of energy.

2. Raise funds to prepare a TV program in collaboration with Mongolian National TV and the local Green Channel

3. Assist with preparations for the 2nd annual International Ulaanbaatar Conference on Nuclear Physics and Applications. It is held at the end of July.

4. Prepare a presentation and write a paper to present at the conference. The tentative title is: "Nuclear Energy and Climate Change: How Mongolia's Green Party views Nuclear Energy's Role"

5. Assist with the establishment of the Mongolian National Nuclear Club at MonAme. This includes researching other countries' nuclear clubs, preparing bylaws and rules, inviting corporations to join, adding on to the website and informing the public.

I will write about Ulaanbaatar and the office soon, however the time change has gotten to me and its time for bed!

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